Laura's Hand fed Baby Cockatiels

Handling Birds

It is important to let your bird get use to it’s new environment. Talk to it softly and gently.
After a few days you may
put your hand into the cage, let your birds curiosity do the rest.
They will eventually come and perch on your finger. Do not make any sudden movements as birds are easily frightened.

After two - three weeks you can let your bird out to stretch its wings, ensure all the windows and doors are closed, curtains are drawn and no other pets are in the room.
The best time to do this is early evening. As it gets dark the bird will return to it’s cage.

Cockatiel Care: Diet/Living space

The bird should be able to stretch its wings and fly from one perch to another, and climb & play in the cage. There should be several perches of different thickness to allow the bird to exercise it’s feet. The cage should be in fresh air but away from drafts or direct sunlight.

There should also be:

Sliding Tray: This will allow you to change the floor covering easily.

Secure door: The door should be large enough, for easy cleaning, and handling. It must be fitted with a secure fastening.

Cleaning your cockatiel cage: Empty the bottom of the cage daily, clean it weekly, Take dished, toys, perches, and clean the whole cage.

Because cockatiels often have night-frights, (a startled awakening in the middle of the night), they need extra wing-span room or they may damage their wings severely. I cover my bird cages, and I leave about three to four inches from the bottom.

Lifespan of your cockatiel The average lifespan of a cockatiel is 12 to 15 years. It is not unusual, for a cockatiel to live to 20 years of age, and the occasional cockatiel makes it to 30! Cockatiels can have a long, and happy life if you provide:

  • daily exercise

  • healthy diet including fresh fruit, and vegetables offered daily

  • companionship

Health & Fitness

Cage Birds love to bathe, it's stimulating them to preen their feathers. Use a warm water and plume spray mixture. The temperature of the water should be tested on the back of your hand.

Birds can catch colds and pneumonia especially in winter. Signs are sneezing or wheezing and runny eyes. A sudden change in diet or too much fresh fruit and vegetables can cause
cage birds to have loose watery droppings.

Cage Birds may pluck their own feathers. This can be caused by poor nutrition, boredom, or lack of activity. Once started, this can be hard to stop. Time should be spent with your bird. Provide a variety of stimulating toys, and a large cage.

NEVER put any foreign item or object into your pet cockatiels cage. They can chew it and die! ALWAYS make sure you buy toys specifically made for cockatiels. I CAN NOT stress this enough! I had a bad experience of losing a cockatiel to a similar situation. It was very heart-breaking.